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How to read the labels

With so many brands available out there, choosing the right foods to meet your nutritional needs can sometimes be a diffcult task. Here's a tip to help you cut through the confusion: just look at the Nutritional Informational Panel (NIP) on the pack. The NIP is a table which lists down the amount of energy and nutrients present in the food product. It has plenty of information to help you make the right choices if you know where to look.
Nutrient listing. This list shows you the amount of energy, carbohydrate, protein and fat present. Sometimes, vitamins and minerals are listed too. This can be used to compare nutrient content between products.
Amount of nutrients per 100g. This tells you the amount of energy and nutrients present in each 100g (or 100ml for beverages) of the product. You can use this value to compare with other brands. According to this NIP, you will get 11mg of iron from 100g of NESTUM Fruits.
Serving size. The first place to start when you look at the NIP is the serving size and the number of servings in the product.
Amount of nutrients per serving. This tells you the amount of energy and nutrients present in each serving of the product. You can use the information to help plan your daily meals. According to this NIP, you will get 3.1mg of iron from one serving (28g) of NESTUM Fruits.
When comparing products using the NIP, refer to the amount present in 100mg or 100ml of the product, as serving sizes may be different between brands.

Also, remember to make your choice based on the overall nutrient content present instead of just one or two nutrients. For instance, some products that are low in fat also contain high amounts of sugar. If you choose these products based on fat content alone, you will end up eating too much sugar!