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Inside the Issue

Nutrition: Inside the Issue
HEALTHY EATING FOR TWO: Twins Keyla and Kysha Zaleth Congo Delgado at the Escuela Ana Luisa Leoro school in Ibarra, Ecuador taking part in Nestlé’s 'Nutrir' Healthy Kids Programme.

Nutrition is fundamental to human life. All human achievement – social, economic and cultural – is directly influenced by our access to food and water. Today, billions of people face serious malnutrition issues. Many do not have enough to eat or drink; others eat too much and move too little. In many countries and communities, both issues are prevalent: some people are under-nourished while others are over-nourished and poor nutrition can coexist with excess caloric intake in the same individuals. This 'double burden' of malnutrition is a very complex global issue.

Food manufacturers can play an important role in offering the right kind of products and helping consumers make the right nutritional choices.