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Nestlé in Singapore

Nestlé Singapore (Pte) Ltd

Nestlé Singapore (Pte) Ltd is a wholly owned subsidiary of Nestlé SA. Headquartered in Vevey, Switzerland, it aims to be the leading Nutrition, Health & Wellness company.

Nestlé's commitment to providing quality products to Singaporeans dates back more than 90 years ago trading MILKMAID condensed milk under the Anglo-Swiss Condensed Milk Company.

Over the years it has been present in Singapore, Nestlé has earned the trust of Singaporeans for being a food manufacturer with the highest safety and quality standards. 

Nestlé started its operations in Singapore in 1912 and has since been building on its success, largely as a result of its operating principles. These seek primarily to:-

  • Offer Singapore consumers the highest safety and quality standards in our food and beverage products
  • Utilise the most up-to-date technology and its accumulated science-based expertise in the manufacture of products
  • Fulfill its broad responsibility as a corporate citizen by participating in community and social projects that contribute to the development of the country.