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Environmental and water management, Colombia

Environmental and water management, Colombia

Impact Area

  • Communities
  • Community engagement
  • Compliance
  • Environmental sustainability
  • Gender balance & diversity
  • Individuals & Families
  • Nutrition
  • Planet
  • Rural development
  • Water

Because good water quality in the areas surrounding our plants has direct benefits for our business, society and the environment, we treat all our water in wastewater treatment plants. Our preference is to use municipal wastewater plants to ensure we return only cleaned water back into the environment, but where these are insufficient, we invest in our own on-site facilities.

At Bugalagrande in Colombia, for example, we treat all our water to prevent any negative impact on the Bugalagrande River, a very important water source for the whole area.

To ensure we implement our environmental policies successfully, we train our employees on environmental issues, and have Environmental Committee members throughout the factory to help us implement our policies.

We have also created an Environmental Committee for Children, so that the children of our employees can raise awareness of environmental issues at home.