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NESTUM All Family Cereal

NESTUM All Family Cereal

NESTUM All Family Cereal is a nutritious start for the day and is power packed with essential vitamins and minerals for your general well-being. Add it to your favourite beverages for an added boost of wholegrains to begin your day!

Contains wholegrains
Low fat
High in Vitamin C
Iron and calcium
Vitamin B1 and D

Apart from the health benefits it offers, NESTUM All Family Cereal is so versatile!

Other ways to enjoy Nestum All Family Cereal:
•  Eat it with milk as a nutritious and delicious porridge
•  Add nuts or fruits for a different taste experience
•  Sprinkle the cereal on a slice of peanut butter-and-bread toast

Or check out our delicious recipes on our Recipes Page!