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How to Stop Overeating

How to Stop Overeating

Avoid Overeating

There are many reasons why we overeat. Be it in a state of happiness, loneliness or sadness, we tend to overeat when we let our emotions take over. It is so easy to overeat but it is not healthy if it happens regularly. Overeating is bad for us.

Overeating is the main factor contributing to obesity. By choosing the right foods and the right serving sizes, you will develop new healthy eating habits and healthy lifestyle.

Here are some strategies you can start with to overcome overeating:-

  • Quench your hunger with water. Drink water before, during, and after a meal to slow you down while eating and curb hunger.
  • Fill up on Fiber. Think fruits and veggies, and whole, unprocessed grains. Adding fiber to your diet will aid in weight loss and keep you feeling fuller longer, so you may eat less.
  • Know your portion size. Know portion sizes by reading the nutritional information of every food item for each meal. Make a point to only take one portion size of anything that you put into your mouth. Better still serve your food on a smaller plate and limit yourself to one plate. Say no to 2nd serving.
  • Eat Slowly. Slow eating can help reduce your portion size, cut calories and shed excess weight. It takes about 20 minutes for the brain to get the signal that your stomach is full. If you eat slowly, there is enough time for this chemical process to happen and thus prevent overeating.
  • Grab a fruit. Fruits and vegetables contain plenty of fiber and water to help you feel full, thus prevent overeating.
  • Fight the urge to snack or keep eating; Take a walk. Walk around the block for 5 or 10 minutes, run up and down the stairs, or call a friend - distract yourself with anything for about 10 minutes. You will often find that urge to slowly go away.
  • Set family rules. No eating in front of the TV, in the car, or at your desk. This will help you avoid mindless eating when you’re not hungry.