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Pay it forward during Ramadan – Team up with MILO® to provide needy families with a nutritious breakfast!

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Pay it forward during Ramadan – Team up with MILO® to provide needy families with a nutritious breakfast!

● For every $30 spent on MILO®® products, MILO® Singapore will donate a nutritious breakfast basket to a needy family
● Selected donors will be invited to an Iftar1 with beneficiaries and Fandi Ahmad and his family

MILO® Singapore together with local football legend, Fandi Ahmad and his family invite all Singaporeans and the Muslim community to pay it forward by sharing their blessings with the less fortunate this Ramadan.

To foster a spirit of gratitude and giving, MILO® Singapore spearheads a new Ramadan campaign, encouraging the community to gift a nutritious breakfast to needy families. By galvanizing the community, MILO® Singapore aims to raise 3,200 breakfast baskets for needy families under Tabung Amal Aidilfitri Trust Fund (TAA Trust Fund), allowing them to share the joy of celebrating Hari Raya Aidilfitri.

To contribute, spend $30 on MILO® products at major supermarkets from now to 11 June, register your contribution via MMS, roadshows, or mail (mechanics on how to register are appended below), and MILO® Singapore will donate one breakfast basket on your behalf to a needy family. The campaign will culminate with an Iftar1 in June where 10 selected donors and their family members will break fast together with a group of beneficiaries as well as Fandi Ahmad and his family.

On the rationale behind the Ramadan campaign, Mr Chow Phee Chat, Director, Marketing Communications and Corporate Affairs of Nestlé Singapore shared: “Ramadan is a sacred month marked by fasting and giving back to the society through charity work. That gave us the idea of partnering Tabung Amal Aidilfitri Trust Fund and roping in the community to help raise breakfast baskets for the less fortunate in the community. Through this campaign, we also want to remind and reinforce to our Muslim friends the importance of a wholesome and nutritious breakfast so they have enough energy to sustain them throughout the day’s fast.”

To ensure one has sufficient energy to sustain the day’s fast, food taken at pre-dawn (Sahur) should be wholesome. Food such as oats, multi-grain bread and MILO® are convenient and healthier breakfast choices that provide sustainable energy to keep hunger pangs at bay. MILO® which is specially formulated with ACTIV-GO contains PROTOMALT, B vitamins and minerals, providing consumers with energy to go further. For a nourishing start, two servings of MILO® Nutri GTM, formulated with wholegrains, oats and barley and wheat gives the fibre equivalent to a bowl of rolled oats.

Mr. Muhd Harmizan Head of Exco of Tabung Amal Aidilfitri Trust Fund heartily welcomes the collaboration with MILO® Singapore. “Over the past 25 years, Tabung Amal Aidilfitri Trust Fund has actively raised funds to help the less fortunate during the Ramadan period. The generous support and contributions from individuals and corporate partners like Nestlé Singapore is pivotal to making this year’s fund-raising a success. We welcome this new partnership with Nestlé and hope to provide all our beneficiaries with a meaningful and wonderful Aidilfitri.”

With every $30 spent on MILO® products, you can register to participate in the Ramadan campaign and MILO® will donate a breakfast basket to a needy family in your name. Here are three ways in which you can participate:

  1. Send a MMS with a photo of your receipt to 8180 1144 in the following format:

    MILORAMADAN<space>Name<space>NRIC<space>Retailer Name<space>Receipt number
    Example: MILORAMADAN John Tan S1234567D 91234567 NTUC 012345678
  2. Visit any of our upcoming roadshows
      Venue of roadshows Date Time
    1 Sheng Siong 539 Bedok 20th – 21st May 9AM – 5PM
    2 Giant Tampines 3rd – 4th June 1 - 9PM
    3 FairPrice Tampines Hub 3rd – 4th June 1 - 9PM
  3. Mail your receipt and contest form (found in major stores and on the Nestlé Singapore website with your personal particulars to:
    Attention: MILO Ramadan Campaign
    Nestle Singapore Pte Ltd
    15A Changi Business Park Central 1
    #05-02/03 Eightrium@Changi Business Park Singapore 486035


About MILO® Singapore

MILO® is a nutritious, chocolate malt beverage made from the natural goodness of malt, milk and cocoa. First sold in the 1936 and locally produced since 1984, MILO® contains ACTIVGO, a combination of PROTOMALT®, vitamins and minerals, giving you the energy to go further. In 2006, MILO® attained the Healthier Choice status from Health Promotion Board. As Singapore’s favourite nutritional energy beverage, more than 1 million cups of MILO® are given free to Singaporeans annually through various sports and community event through the MILO van.

MILO® has been championing youth sport development in Singapore since the 1950s, believing that sports teaches positive values such as perseverance, teamwork, courage which sets the foundation for a child’s development. Through sponsorship of various sports events with institutions such SportSG and Singapore Sports School, MILO® aims to nurture Singaporean athletes into national sports heroes. MILO® also continues to rally and drive national support for Singapore at international and regional events such as the recent 2015 South East Asian Games in Singapore.

In addition to sports, MILO® Singapore champions everyday victories and empowers youth with a host of educational activities. These include school assembly talks on health and nutrition organized in conjunction with Health Promotion Board and the MILO® Discovery Tour for students at the Jurong Factory.


About Nestlé Singapore

Nestlé Singapore (Pte) Ltd, established in 1912, is a wholly owned subsidiary of Nestlé SA. Headquartered in Vevey, Switzerland, Nestlé employs more than 330,000 people and has 436 factories in 85 countries. As the leading nutrition, health and wellness company, we enhance lives by offering tastier and healthier food and beverage choices at all stages of life and at any time of the day, helping consumers care for themselves and their families. This is the foundation of our promise of “Good Food, Good Life” and puts nutrition at the heart of everything we do.

It is our firm belief that for a company to be successful over time and create value for its shareholders, it must also create value for society. We call this ‘Creating Shared Value’. Built on strong foundations of compliance and sustainable business practices, this is our way to do business and to be the trusted leader in Nutrition, Health & Wellness.

Nestlé’s range of products in Singapore include MILO®, NESCAFÉ®, NESCAFE® DOLCE GUSTO®, MAGGI® , NESTLE® OMEGA PLUS®, KIT KAT®, NESPRESSO®, GERBER®, CERELAC®, KOKO KRUNCH®, PURINA®, FRISKIES® and dozens of other trusted brands that are household names and market leaders in their product categories.