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NESTLÉ P'TIT POT RECETTE BANANA baby food not sold in Singapore (Precautionary recall only in France)

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Nestlé Singapore would like to assure customers that the recall of NESTLÉ P'TIT POT RECETTE BANANA baby food does not affect the Singaporean market as the product is sold only in France. Our GERBER Banana Baby Food is Not affected.

The voluntary recall of a specific batch of NESTLÉ P'TIT POT RECETTE BANANA baby food is a precautionary measure by Nestlé France following the finding of glass in one jar by a consumer. No other batches or countries are affected. This incident is not new and has been closed one year ago.

The safety and quality of Nestlé products are non-negotiable priorities for the company and products manufactured, marketed, imported and exported meet the highest quality and safety standards for the wellbeing of our consumers.

Kindly share this message to your family and friends who would benefit from this information. Should you need further clarification or have further inquiries, please contact Nestlé Singapore Consumer Services at 800 611 633.