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Nestlé stresses impact of Creating Shared Value at forum in India

Nestlé stresses impact of CSV at forum in India
CSV Forum 2012 Report AlertGLOBAL CSV FORUM: Over 450 government, civil society and business representatives took part.

Nestlé has stressed how Creating Shared Value can make a successful impact on businesses worldwide at its Global Creating Shared Value Forum 2012 in New Delhi, India.

Over 450 government, civil society and business representatives took part in the event to highlight the role of business in development and raise awareness of Creating Shared Value (CSV) particularly in South Asia.

Watch the forum sessions on demand.

The forum, co-hosted with the a Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce and Industry (FICCI), focused on Nestlé’s CSV priorities nutrition, water and rural development, which are core to its business activities.

"We believe in the power of Creating Shared Value,” said Nestlé Chairman Peter Brabeck-Letmathe. “It will be most effective when it stimulates creating thinking in all sectors across the globe.

“Its greatest force lies in the fact this is an open concept. Everyone can use it.”

“For a company to be successful over time it has to embrace Creating Shared Value,” said Nestlé Chief Executive Officer Paul Bulcke. “CSV is not an add-on, it is embedded in everything we do.”

Creating Shared Value

CSV underpins Nestlé’s corporate business strategy – creating value for its shareholders while at the same time creating value for society, particularly for the communities in which the company operates.

CSV is built on strong commitments to environmental sustainability and compliance with laws, codes of conduct and the Nestlé Business Principles.

Nestlé has integrated CSV into each stage of its value chain from agriculture and rural development, through to delivering products to customers and disposing of waste. The company developed the concept with the support of Harvard University’s Professor Michael Porter and Mark Kramer.

“Creating Shared Value is fundamentally about business opportunities. In turn, businesses can contribute to social solutions,” said Mr Kramer at the event.

We believe in the power of Creating Shared Value. It will be most effective when it stimulates creating thinking in all sectors across the globe. Peter Brabeck-Letmathe, Nestlé Chairman

Convert a generation

During a session on malnutrition, Nandu Nandkishore, Nestlé Executive Vice President, Zone Head Asia, Oceania and Africa, emphasised the need to educate society to change the way it sees nutrition.

“It is a challenge but also an opportunity,” Mr Nandkishore said.

“We need better and more precise ways of identifying the problems associated with malnutrition. We believe there are three areas for intervention; namely education, fortification and regulation.”

“The double burden of malnutrition is under-nourished and over-nourished. That's why micronutrients and fortification is important,” said Ann M. Veneman, member of the Nestlé Board of Directors and former Executive Director of UNICEF.

“It is not just about calorie intake. We also have to look at nutrients.”

Need to act

In a session on water, Mr Brabeck-Letmathe highlighted the urgent need to act on the worldwide water challenge.

“We will run out of water before we run out of oil,” he said. “We need more and more water for every calorie we produce. This is a problem."

Asit Biswas, President of Third World Centre for Water Management warned that water needs to have a price.

“In India, pumping of water for farmers is free. As a result they pump 24 hours a day whether they need water or not,” he said.

“One of the main challenges worldwide is the availability of clean drinking water,” Agatha Sangma, Indian Minister of State for Rural Development, said in another session.

All sessions of the CSV Forum were webcast live. They are available to watch on demand here.

Related information:
Global Creating Shared Value Forum 2012 in New Delhi, India
Creating Shared Value at Nestlé

Read more about the Nestlé CSV Global Forum in India:
Nestlé highlights Creating Shared Value at forum in India
Nestlé announces winner of Creating Shared Value Prize